
Over the past four years, the Comper Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism and Racism has promoted numerous activities designed for students, academics, and the larger public, Including several seminars:

  • One-day seminar for the Tavor Leadership Academy on the de-legitimization of Israel (April 2016): the Ambassadors Online staff held a one-day seminar for the Tavor pre-army program, introducing the participants to the various issues related to public diplomacy, Hasbara, the international media and advocacy. The program members were exposed to Israel’s challenges in the public diplomacy field, heard a number of lectures given by the Ambassadors Online staff and had several workshops and discussions.
  • One-day seminar on strategies for coping with patterns of media coverage: In the first of two sessions, we discussed forms of media monitoring and patterns of bias; we then examined strategic responses to the current situation. Each session was comprised two short lectures and a closed roundtable. Participants included researchers, civil society organizations, former diplomats, communication professionals and journalists.
  • Issues in improving Israel’s public diplomacy: The Middle East conflict is at the center of the global agenda in recent decades. The purpose of the seminar is to engage the question of how this conflict is publicized in the international media, since the establishment of the state of Israel. At the same time, an attempt is made to understand what factors made a difference in the media coverage of the events in the American, European and Arab media. After analyzing Israel media coverage, our efforts are devoted to understand what strategies Israel choses and how do they affect its image in the media and world opinion. The purpose of the seminar is to examine Israel’s image and ways to improve it, based on past experience of other countries. Sylabus (PDF)


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